I'm Emily, a stay-at-home animal caretaker, daydreamer, and painter who creates from a small space on my colorful hobby farm, SERIOUSLY!

On FARM DUST AND PAINT, you can view my brightly colored artwork or explore the blog, where I share a bit of my lifestyle and what I'm up to while I wait for the paint layers to dry.

Whether I'm crafting up projects, caring for the animals, doing a little curated window shopping, or just some DIY around the house.

Hopefully, FARM DUST AND PAINT will spark your imagination, make ya smile, and inspire you to live a little more creatively.


This is not a 501C3 non-profit, I do not take in animals as rescue or foster, and I do not openly seek donations to care for animals.

Caring for animals is something my family and I enjoy doing and find meaningful. The animals that find their way into our family will always have a forever home with us. 

I do not breed or sell any of the animals in my care. 

I pay for vet bills, medications, feed, fencing, maintenance, and all animal care with my own forms of income.

That’s why when you support my artwork and shop links on this reader-supported blog, you’re helping to support my farm goals too.

This website, FARM DUST AND PAINT along with my artwork have been creativity designed to help pay for extra costs around the farm, and hopefully someday I'll be able to provide a forever home for more animals.


I grew up around all types of hobby farm animals, including pigs, cows, chickens, emus, horses, and more.

Let’s just say I have always been a creative hobby farming country girl.

As a little girl, you could often find me making bow and arrows out of sticks, flower crowns from dandelions, or mud pies in the cow pasture.

Indoors I was usually cutting paper, coloring, or filling Ziploc bags with water because my barbies NEEDED to have waterbeds. I know, GENIUS.

YES! I was definitely a CREATIVE mess maker. It is no surprise that I still enjoy making messes to this day.


My two favorite people are my boys. I cannot believe I had two grown kids by the time I hit 40 years old. WOWZA! Happy and scared for them all at the same time. College, apartments, careers, and the search for first homes. 

At nineteen, I became a mom and had my second son just two days shy of my 22nd birthday.

I was a stay-at-home mom throughout their childhood but eventually worked in childcare, elementary education, and worked at a veterinary hospital for a short time.


My husband and I purchased our 6-acre property in 2002. 

It was a field of sand, tall grass, and weeds. I have definitely gained some experience with do-it-yourself home projects.

Do you know how lucky we are to have Pinterest these days?!

We have always had chickens and smaller animals while living here, but our miniature horse and ponies didn’t start arriving until 2017.

With my boys off to college and on their life adventures, I am thankful to have my ponies, my artwork, and this little farm life to keep me busy.


My artwork was once an enjoyed hobby I hid away for years, but after a few commissions, sales to strangers, and the acceptance into a juried exhibition. I realized that my work had value, and then magic happened.

By deciding to get creative and use one of my hobbies to support another, I'm now painting, creating and sharing it with you and others.

Can I tell you how excited I was when I sold my first painting and was able to put the profits toward a half-year supply of medications for my pony Shiloh who has Cushing’s Disease.

It was a perfect trade for me.

Anyway, I hope the FARM DUST AND PAINT blog and my artwork put a smile on your face and inspire you to live a little more colorfully. 


Your new friend, 


P.S. Thanks for being here!