Terms and Copyright

Last Update 09-11- 2024

All text and original photography are owned, and copyright to FARM DUST AND PAINT and Emily Carlson. 

Please do not use them without correct affiliation back to FARM DUST AND PAINT. 

Photographs on FARM DUST AND PAINT that are non-original may come from public domain editing sites, like Canva.

Emily will do her best to link the original owner as needed on non-original photos.

 FARM DUST AND PAINT is a blog and website written and edited by Emily Carlson. 

Emily shares a bit about lifestyle with her farm animals, DIY projects in her home and on the farm, arts and crafts, curated finds, quotes, gift guides, her artwork, and more that may inspire you.

FARM DUST AND PAINT is for entertainment purposes only! 


 The information on FARM DUST AND PAINT is not meant to be taken as medical advice for animals or humans. 

Please consult a licensed medical professional or veterinarian with any concerns about your or an animal’s health. 


 Emily is a pretty simple gal, who loves to window shop, many of her finds are curated, meaning she may not own them herself, but she thinks you may enjoy them. 

Some links or images on FARM DUST AND PAINT may be affiliate links or sponsored. 

If you click on the link or image, and make a purchase, Emily may receive a commission. 

When you click any link or image on the farmdustandpaint.blogger.com website, we are not liable for any damage or harm related to the use of the content, goods, services, or any other transactions made in connection with third-party websites. 

You are clicking these links and images at your own risk, and you are not obligated to click on these links or images. 


Emily’s artwork is copyright to Emily Carlson and the FARM DUST AND PAINT website. 

You do not have permission to copy, download, digitalize, and so-forth without Emily’s written permission. 

When you explore Emily’s Artwork page, you have the option to click links and images that will take you off the FARM DSUT AND PAINT website and bring you to websites that will allow you to purchase Emily’s artwork. 

When you click any of these links or images on the farmdustandpaint.blogger.com website, we are not liable for any damage or harm related to the use of the content, goods, services, or any other transactions made in connection with these third-party websites.


You MUST be at least 18 years old to subscribe to our newsletter. 

Newsletters will be sent out only on occasion, sharing blog posts of the year, happenings, or Emily’s newest artwork. 

Please do not contact us if you are under the age of 18. 

This Terms and Copyright information may change at any time. 

The most recent version will be indicated by the “Last Updated” date at the top of the Terms and Copyright Page. 

All changes are effective immediately upon posting.